Centrum voor constructivisme en concrete kunst
centre pour le constructivisme et l'art concret
center for constructivism and concrete art
Konstruktivismus und Konkrete Kunst Zentrum

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sunday june 30 until sunday august 25, 2024x.

 Gilbert Decock had exhibitions all over Europe and has been represented in more than 40 public collections. He is one of the most outspoken defenders of the pure hard abstraction. His work is in line with the scope of the perfect concreteness. Gilbert Decock plays off the geometric character of the circle against the square in a dance of harmony and complete order. Thanks to his exceptional talent he is able to draw a vast multitude of variations based on a minimal amount of figures. Decock uses the tonal depth of black, brown and grey color and later also red. The center points of a circle and a square usually fall together. This superposition requires a specific reading from the observer. Overlaps and cuttings put Decock’s works in an association with a multidimensional space. Gilbert Decock’s work is full of peace and serenity. After 1990 his compositions became looser and more playful, in which omissions, tilts and line breaks became more important. Decock’s works consist of paintings, gouaches, silk-screen prints, sculptures, reliefs and jewelry.


      contact: info@denheeck.be